Dr. Susan Brumfield
Dr. Susan Brumfield is Professor of Music Education at Texas Tech University. She is an internationally recognized author, composer and Kodály specialist; recent publications include the First, We Sing! Series of Kodály-inspired teaching materials, Hot Peas and Barley-O: Children’s Songs and Games from Scotland, Over the Garden Wall: Children’s Songs and Games from England and most recently, Jean Ritchie's Kentucky Mother Goose, both published by Hal Leonard. In frequent demand as a commissioned composer, clinician and guest conductor, Dr. Brumfield has an extensive catalogue of choral publications. Her areas of expertise include methodology, folk music research and performance, and choral music for treble voices.
Beth Berridge
Beth Berridge is Education Director and Associate Director of the West Texas Children’s Chorus. She has been with the chorus since 2007. Mrs. Berridge received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music education from Texas Tech University. She earned her OAKE certification from the University of North Texas under Dr. Jill Trinka and Dr. Susan Brumfield. She has served as a member of the faculty of the West Texas Kodaly Initiative since 2005. Most recently, Mrs. Berridge had the honor of collaborating with Dr. Brumfield on the First, We Sing – Digital Resource Supplement. She currently serves as assistant principal at Bean Elementary in Lubbock, Texas.
Kurt Cereske
Kurt Cereske, conductor of the BroVoce ensemble and musicianship instructor, currently completing a Ph.D. in Fine Arts, Music Education at Texas Tech University, has recently been named Lubbock ISD's Elementary Music and Choral Coordinator. Mr. Cereske also teaches Elementary Music Methods at Wayland Baptist University, Pedagogy in Kodály Certification programs through the Kodály Association of Southern California, Portland State University and the West Texas Kodály Initiative, and serves as the Director of Musicianship for the National Children's Chorus, based in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. Kurt has been with the WTCC since 2012.
Kimberly Hooper
Originally from Ingleside, Texas, Kimberly Hooper attended Del Mar College and graduated from Texas Tech University with a bachelor’s degree in music education. She has played French horn with Roswell and Lubbock Symphony Orchestras and taught private horn lessons. She has also taught middle school band and elementary music for Frenship ISD and Lubbock ISD, respectively. Currently, Kim teaches theater at Roscoe Wilson Elementary School. She is certified through the Organization of American Kodály Educators and has had students participate in the organization’s National Children’s Choir. She is raising her three beautiful children with her husband Troy, a professor at TTUHSC.
Mandy Algate
Mandy Algate has worked with the West Texas Children’s Chorus since 2012. Currently, she teaches advanced elementary musicianship and assists the Apprentice Choir. Mrs. Algate holds a bachelor’s degree in music education from Texas Tech University. She earned her OAKE certification through Portland State University, and completed a master’s degree in music education at Texas Tech University. In addition to her work with WTCC, Mrs. Algate also enjoys teaching general music at Roscoe Wilson Elementary in Lubbock.
Wendy Forrest
Wendy Forrest has been the Business Manager for West Texas Children's Chorus since 2012. She graduated from Texas Tech with a Masters of Science degree in Accounting in 2002. After graduation, she worked for Ernst & Young, LLC in Dallas. In 2005, she and her husband returned to Lubbock. She is an auditor with Robinson Burdette Martin & Seright, L.L.P. Her husband, Dr. David Forrest, is an Associate Professor of Music Theory at Texas Tech and serves on the board for WTCC.
Musicianship and Teaching Staff
Our fine teaching staff consists of graduates and music education interns from the Texas Tech School of Music. Joining us for a second year are Kendall Newman, Music Specialist at Ramirez Charter School and Wesley Orr, Music Specialist at Hodges Elementary. Both have training in Kodály methodology and are pursuing additional certification in the approach.
University Interns
Our university interns play many roles in our organization, from assisting in classes, leading games and activities and helping with organization and logistics. Music education members Hannah Hansard and Rachel Tilley are serving in their third and second year on staff.